Anti-Slavery Policy

Stratospherec Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy statement

This policy applies to all persons employed by Stratospherec Ltd, including all full-time and part-time employees, contractors and any employees undertaking work experience with Stratospherec Ltd (collectively known as ‘workers’).

For the purposes of this policy, a ‘contractor’ describes a worker who provides their services to Stratospherec Ltd via an intermediary. 


Policy Statement 

Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking & Child Labour


Modern slavery encompasses exercising ownership over a person (slavery), imposing an obligation on a person via coercion (servitude) and forced or compulsory labour. Human trafficking involves arranging or expediting the travel of a person with the intent of exploiting them. Child labour involves the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood and is physically or mentally harmful. 

Stratospherec Ltd does not fall within the scope of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (the Act) but strictly prohibits the use of modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour in its operations. It has and will remain committed to implementing systems and controls aimed at ensuring that modern slavery, human trafficking or child labour is not taking place within the organisation. Having conducted a risk assessment of Stratospherec Ltd’s suppliers, it was determined that the level of risk was low and therefore Stratospherec Ltd shall prioritise its efforts towards workers directly involved in the provision of services. 




Stratospherec Ltd always endeavours to operate responsibly, ethically and in full compliance with UK legislation through the discharge of internal policies and procedures. 


Our Employees

Stratospherec Ltd strives to maintain high standards of ethical conduct and ensure the fair treatment of all workers throughout the organisation. Stratospherec Ltd is committed to providing a safe working environment and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all workers.  

All contractors and direct employees of Stratospherec Ltd undergo thorough pre-employment screening to ensure compliance with UK labour laws. No individuals under the age of 16 are employed by or permitted to work for Stratospherec Ltd. 

As part of Stratospherec Ltd’s commitment, all persons working for or on behalf of Stratospherec Ltd are expected to support and uphold the below measures to safeguard against modern slavery and human trafficking:

  • Demonstrate a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery within Stratospherec Ltd and its supply chain.
  • Prevent, detect and report any case of modern slavery within the organisation or supply chain.
  • Engage with relevant stakeholders and suppliers to address the risk of modern slavery in Stratospherec Ltd’s operations and supply chain and set the expectation that suppliers are holding their own suppliers to equally high standards.
  • Conduct risk assessments and appropriate due diligence processes during which it will be considered
  • Where circumstances warrant, carrying out audits of suppliers.
  • Take appropriate action as soon as Stratospherec Ltd is aware that individuals or organisations working on Stratospherec Ltd’s behalf have breached this policy.


    Workers must not engage in, facilitate or fail to report any activity that might lead to, or suggest, a breach of this policy. 


    Our Suppliers


    Stratospherec Ltd’s supplier relationships are low risk and typically involve the procurement of goods or services for internal use only, such as technology and office supplies.   


    Stratospherec Ltd aims to mitigate risks when selecting and contracting with suppliers through various actions, including:


  • Requiring suppliers of regularly contracted staff to confirm their workers receive the Living Wage.
  • Providing educational awareness on issues relating to slavery and human trafficking to workers who directly engage with suppliers, thus helping them identify potential issues when dealing with suppliers.
  • Requesting potential suppliers to provide their current anti-slavery and human trafficking policy and, where applicable, requesting confirmation of their compliance with the Act.
  • Including, in standard supplier contractual templates, a clause regarding the prevention of slavery and trafficked labour.
  • Conducting risk assessments of Stratospherec Ltd’s supplier base to determine any high-risk suppliers and those which fall within the scope of the Act.


Please feel free to contact us regarding our Anti-slavery and Human Trafficking Policy at